

Get more than 80% off my full-length python courses using any of the links below.

The Ultimate Pandas Bootcamp: Advanced Python Data Analysis

The Ultimate Pandas Bootcamp: Advanced Python Data Analysis

Master the powerful pandas library to analyze, manipulate and visualize data in this 32 hour bootcamp. Learn everything there is to know about pandas - from absolute scratch - while working with more than 10 datasets! Discover and learn hundreds of methods, attributes, and techniques to manipulate data in pandas and python. Practice reading data from the web, pickles, Excel files right within pandas.

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Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Beginner to Pro

Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Beginner to Pro

Learn Python object-oriented programming from the ground up in this 27 hour masterclass. Learn how to define new classes and behavior. Master descriptors, dataclasses, slots and tens of other advanced python constructs, as you work through 16 detailed project assignments to put your learning to practice. Understand single and multiple inheritance inheritance including best practices and the ideal use cases.

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The Ultimate Web Scraping with Python Bootcamp

The Ultimate Web Scraping with Python Bootcamp

Learn to extract data from the web using python in this 17 hour bootcamp, covering selectolax, playwright, scrapy and much more. Scrape information from static and dynamic websites and extract it to a variety of formats. Intercept and emulate hidden APIs to identify highly productive alternatives to getting your data. Integrate scrapy with playwright for highly performant, fine-tuned dynamic website crawling.

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Building Full Stack Python Web Apps Backed By Google Sheets

Building Full Stack Python Web Apps Backed By Google Sheets

Develop and deploy a full-stack application using Python, Google Sheets, FastAPI, React, Next.js, and Tailwind CSS. Functionally, this will be quite similar to several SaaS (software-as-a-service) businesses that you find on the web, services like SheetDB, SteinHQ, SheetBest, Sheety that offer JSON APIs on top of Google Sheets - obviously for $/month.

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Functional Programming With Python: The Complete Guide

Functional Programming With Python: The Complete Guide

Get a deep and practical introduction to the functional programming paradigm in Python. Master the key functional utilities like map, filter, reduce, zip, any, all, iterators, as well as all four types of comprehensions. Then, learn about closures, recursion, decorators, generators, momoization, currying, partial functional application and much more! Put your skills to practice through a series of more than 20 skill challenges.

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Learning Pydantic: Advanced Data Validation In Python

Learning Pydantic: Advanced Data Validation In Python

Master the powerful Pydantic library to validate and parse data in Python, while building and deploying a full-scale python API with Redis and FastAPI. Learn how to define and use data models using type hints, how to use Pydantic's powerful validation features, extract models to JSONSchema, serialize and deserialize data, use inheritance to define composite models, and much more!

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The Ultimate JSON With Python Course + JSONSchema & JSONPath

The Ultimate JSON With Python Course + JSONSchema & JSONPath

Master JSON with Python: Learn to parse, generate, manipulate, validate, query, and compare JSON documents using Python. Learn how to use JSONSchema to define and validate JSON documents, and how to utilize JSONPath to query JSON documents. Practice diff-ing documents, serialization and deserialization, composing and extending schemas, including those with $id, $ref, and $defs, and applicators.

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Building GraphQL APIs With Python: Beginner To Pro

Building GraphQL APIs With Python: Beginner To Pro

Learn how to build GraphQL APIs to replace standard REST APIs and their limitations in this 12 hour course, covering not only the the core concepts in GraphQL but also related topics in modern API development, like authentication, object-relational mapping, version control, deployment and more! Practice building a full-scale GraphQL API with Python, FastAPI, Graphene, SQLAlchemy, and PostgreSQL.

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Practical SQL With Python In 3 Days: Beginner to Pro

Practical SQL With Python In 3 Days: Beginner to Pro

Build 3 Python Projects In 3 Days Using SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL in this 17 hour mastercourse. Learn how to use SQL with Python to build create tables, insert data, and generate dynamic queries. Understand cursors, transactions, connections, and query execution in depth. Explore more advanced topics around SQL generation, prepared statements, and dictionary cursors.

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Intermediate Python: Master Decorators From Scratch

Intermediate Python: Master Decorators From Scratch

Cultivate a very deep and practical understanding of decorators in Python, starting from the very basics. Gain a deep understanding of higher-order functions, closures, and first-class functions, before unlocking the magic of decorators. Reinforce your learning through engaging coding assignments of increasing difficulty inspired by real-world scenarios including: logging, timing runtime performance, authentication flows, and cache mechanisms.

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